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California’s Medicaid Personal Care Assistants: Characteristics and Turnover among Family and Non-family Caregivers

Report Person-Centered Care
July 15, 2015

This report provides demographic information about home care consumers who receive supports and services through California’s In-Home Supportive Services program, as well as the personal care assistants (PCAs) who provide that care. The researchers found that 63.5 percent of IHSS PCAs are related to their consumers. They also track turnover data; they show that turnover is higher among PCAs who are not related to their consumers, and that higher wages correlated strongly with lower turnover rates.

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Key Takeaways

"Personal care assistants (PCAs) help enable older adults and individuals with disabilities to remain in their homes and communities."
"This study characterizes the personal care assistance role played by both family members and non-family in California."
"We describe factors that affect turnover among PCAs, as turnover is associated with lower quality of care and adverse outcomes for recipients."

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