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Valuing Care by Valuing Care Workers: The Big Cost of a Worthy Standard and Some Steps toward It

October 7, 2015

This report describes the value and needs of “care worekrs,” a category of workers that includes both child care workers and direct care workers. This workforce — which totals 5.5 million and is growing rapidly — is plagued by low wages and insufficient protections, the author argues. The author then suggests ways to stabilize the workforce, including enhanced workforce protections, a higher minimum wage, and the implementation of paid leave policies.

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Key Takeaways

"The nation’s care workforce—including child care workers and direct care workers—numbers 5.5 million and is growing rapidly."
"Raising job quality and the standard of care requires a substantial infusion of public money."
"Care work is essential and invisible, private and public, denigrated and revered."

Caring for the Future

Our new policy report takes an extensive look at today's direct care workforce—in five installments.

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