California Health Center Finds Enhanced Training for Home Care Aides Yields Positive Outcomes
The St. John’s Well Child and Family Center, a Los Angeles network of Federally Qualified Health Centers, implemented from January through December 2012 an “Enhanced Home Care Pilot Program” for older adults and people with disabilities who were patients of the Centers and receiving long-term services and supports through California’s In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) program.
The pilot program included 97 participant-provider pairs: older adults or individuals living with disabilities and their IHSS home care providers. Participating individuals consented to having their home care providers be part of their care coordination team.
Participating home care providers received additional training on team-based communication, coordination of health services, paramedical tasks, and chronic disease management.
Outcomes of the pilot program include: increases in participant “healthy days,” decreased rates of hospitalization and use of emergency room services, and higher rates of participant satisfaction.
More information about the St. John’s pilot program and advanced roles for direct-care workers is available on the PHI website.
— by Gail MacInnes, PHI Government Affairs Manager