PHI Releases Issue 2 in #60CaregiverIssues: Home Care Aide Job Quality
February 22, 2017
PHI released the second issue in its #60CaregiverIssues campaign, a national, online public education campaign to tackle the growing crisis in paid caregiving.
The second issue – Job Quality for New York’s Home Care Aides – looks at how the move to Medicaid managed care and recent labor rule changes have affected job quality for New York’s home care aides. It utilizes PHI’s “9 Elements of a Quality Job” framework (see below) to examine how job quality has changed over the past seven years.
The report concludes that government actions, such as increasing the minimum wage or creating an Advanced Home Health Aide Occupation, have been the largest drivers of job quality. Importantly, a comprehensive and up-to-date workforce information system would enhance the government’s ability to effectively intervene, while providing benefits to home care aides, providers, and plans.