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One Vision~Moving Forward

April 18, 2013

Michigan and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ Chicago Regional Office have approved continuing activities of the state’s One Vision~Moving Forward culture change efforts.

Facilitated by PHI Midwest staff members Cean Eppelheimer and Hollis Turnham, One Vision is focused on removing barriers to person-centered services and culture change in the state’s nursing homes.

Building off of 24 months of work, the One Vision stakeholders — state agencies, worker associations, culture change champions, provider associations, and resident advocates — will now explore the potential to create financial incentives to support culture change and person-centered practices. 

Those reimbursement design efforts will be grounded in the group’s consensus-based decision-making process, analysis of similar reimbursement efforts in other states, and using the adapted My InnerViewTM survey tools and methodologies.

The group will also produce at least eight more person-centered clarifications and reward resident or family councils that conduct person-centered activities inspired or supported by One Vision activities or products.

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