PHI Calls for Congressional Action on LTC Commission’s Workforce Recommendations
On December 18, Roll Call published a commentary by PHI President Jodi Sturgeon that urges Congress to heed the recommendations made by the Long-Term Care Commission regarding the long-term care workforce.
The Commission’s set of recommendations on how to provide quality long-term services and supports to older adults and people living with disabilities were the subject of a Senate Special Committee on Aging hearing held that same day.
“This workforce, which is the mainstay of the long-term care delivery system, is all too often ignored by policymakers,” Sturgeon writes in “Congress Must Address the Long-Term Care Workforce.”
“This time, however, direct-care workers — home health aides, personal care aides, and certified nursing assistants — feature prominently in the Commission’s recommendations,” she continues. “It is our hope that the Senate Special Committee on Aging will carefully consider these recommendations for future Congressional action.”
— by Deane Beebe