PHI Listed in Top Nonprofit Index
PHI has been listed in the S&I 100, an index of the “top nonprofits creating social impact,” as measured by the Social Impact Exchange.
The organization’s new website is designed to encourage individual giving to top nonprofits with measurable results.
The Social Impact Exchange recognized PHI for its multipronged efforts to improve the quality of care provided by direct-care workers.
PHI’s listing includes testimony from two of its major funders, The John A. Hartford Foundation and the Robin Hood Foundation.
“Leading its peers in program completion, job placement, and retention, PHI offers superb examples of best practices in instruction and worker engagement,” said Suzi Epstein, the managing director of jobs and economic security at Robin Hood.
“Their approach is worthy of philanthropic investment,” Epstein added.
Other organizations listed in the S&I 100 include nonprofits dedicated to improving education, eradicating poverty, and assisting America’s youth.
— by Matthew Ozga