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CNA Training Requirements and Resident Care Outcomes in Nursing Homes

Journal Article Training & Advanced Roles
June 1, 2017

This article reports a secondary data analysis of Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Nursing Home Compare Quality Indicators from the CMS minimum dataset. Quality indicators were: pain, antipsychotic use, falls with injury, depression, weight loss, and pressure ulcers. These quality indicators were regressed on number of CNA training hours in states. To view the original source, click here.

Key Takeaways

In states with higher clinical to didactic training hour ratios for CNAs, nursing home residents have better quality outcomes.
States with training hours above the 16-hour federal minimum had significantly less risk of adverse patient outcomes from pain, falls with injury, and depression.
Clinical CNA training may help with earlier medical interventions for nursing home residents who are at risk of poor health outcomes.

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