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Costs and Benefits of In-Home Supportive Services for the Elderly and Persons with Disabilities: A California Case Study

May 1, 2010

This briefing paper focuses on California’s state-funded In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) program, which facilitates home care services for 440,000 Californians. California’s proposed 2010-11 budget would severely slash IHSS’s funding. This paper explains why the IHSS program is so necessary, and why budget cuts could be ruinous for California’s elderly and disabled population. This paper refutes a January 2010 report by the California Legislative Analyst’s Office, which argued that the IHSS program is not cost-effective.

To see the original source, click here.

Key Takeaways

If IHSS is eliminated, the state will spend more money to provide services to people in nursing homes.
Replacing the IHSS program would cause California's long-term care ranking to fall below the mean.
Transitioning one-third of nursing home residents back to the community would save the state $300 million per year.
Contributing Authors
Candace Howes, Ph.D., Connecticut College, PHI, IWPR

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