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Extended Care Career Ladder Initiative (ECCLI) Round II: Evaluation Report

August 1, 2002

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts initiated the Extended Care Career Ladders Initiative (ECCLI) as part of a broader Nursing Home Quality Initiative, adopted by the Massachusetts Legislature in 2000. Both acts were a response to high turnover and vacancies among paraprofessionals in long-term care. Basic to these initiatives is the equation of good care for consumers with good jobs and opportunities for frontline caregivers. This working paper is an 18-month evaluation of ECCLI Round II.

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Key Takeaways

More than 600 workers in 27 facilities or home care agencies have received training through this program.
Participating workplaces are seeing lowered vacancies and staff replacement costs, and reduction in turnover.
Nearly all participating workplaces progressed in establishing career pathways.

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