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Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction among Agency-Employed Home Health Aides

Journal Article
February 12, 2016

This journal article uses survey data from more than 3,700 home health aides to determine which factors contribute to a feeling of satisfaction with their jobs. The researchers found that higher wages and benefits correlated with strong job satisfaction. Additionally, a positive feeling about the importance of their jobs and strong, meaningful support from supervisors were also strongly correlated with high job-satisfaction rates. The researchers say that their findings point toward the need for high-quality training and the development of interventions and supportive programs designed to keep aides satisfied and turnover low.

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Key Takeaways

Support from organizations and supervisors, and personal support have positive direct effects on job satisfaction for home health aides.
Organizational support and supervisor support help weaken the negative relationship between job-related stressors and job satisfaction.
Support from organizations and supervisors could improve job satisfaction among home health aides through reducing stress.

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