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Fair Pay for Home Care Workers: Reforming the U.S. Department of Labor’s Companionship Rules Under the Fair Labor Standards Act

August 1, 2011

This report argues that the Department of Labor should remove home care workers from the purview of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) companionship exemption. As currently structured, the exemption prevents home care workers from receiving guaranteed minimum wage and overtime protections. The report charts the history of the companionship exemption, explains the exemption’s impact on the field of home care, and recommends ways to revise the Fair Labor Standards Act.

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Key Takeaways

Home care workers are currently excluded from the basic minimum wage and overtime protections of the federal FLSA.
Wages are suppressed for the home care workforce as a result, consigning millions of caregivers to working poverty.
The Department of Labor should restore the companionship exemption to its properly narrow scope.

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