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Hand Hygiene Practices Reported by Nurse Aides in Nursing Homes

Journal Article
March 20, 2016

This journal article presents survey results from more than 4,000 nurse aides around the country to determine the extent to which nurse aides practice proper hand hygiene techniques. The researchers found that just 21.7 percent of aides said they “always” washed their hands while caring for a resident, while 57.4 percent said they did so “most of the time.” The researchers conclude that nursing facilities must work harder to promote and enforce proper hand hygiene among their staff.

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Key Takeaways

This study found that 57.4% of nurse aides comply with hand washing when caring for residents most of the time while 21.7% always comply.
With facilities, 43.3% of nurse aides sometimes check that hand washing is performed.
In summary, self-reported compliance was poor, and facilities and materials were often lacking in terms of hand hygiene practices.

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