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Medicaid Matters…to the American People

May 1, 2011

This PHI fact sheet cites numerous polls showing that Americans overwhelmingly oppose major cuts to Medicaid. For example, it cites a Kaiser Family Foundation poll showing that only 12% of Americans support big reductions in Medicaid funding. The fact sheet is part of the ”Medicaid Matters” series, a response to proposals by Congressional Republicans to slash Medicaid by turning it into a block grant.

To see the original source, click here.

Key Takeaways

Millions of families depend on Medicaid for their health coverage—including long-term services and supports.
Employers and workers who provide Medicaid services, including long-term care services, depend on Medicaid funding.
Reducing Medicaid funding through block grants or global spending caps will hurt millions of American families.
Contributing Authors
Carol Regan & Gail MacInnes

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