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Predictors of Annual and Early Separations Among Direct Support Professionals: National Core Indicators Staff Stability Survey

Journal Article Expanding Access & Cultural Competence
June 2, 2020

Despite the crucial importance in ensuring supports for community participation of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, high rates of annual turnover among direct support professionals (DSPs) have been documented for decades. This study utilizes National Core Indicators Staff Stability data to examine the impact of organizational- and state-level factors on DSP turnover (at 6 months and 1 year).

Key Takeaways

Findings reveal that 1-year turnover among DSPs significantly relates to low wages and lack of health insurance.
At the state level, lower Medicaid rates and service rebalancing are related to 1-year turnover.
Factors affecting 6-month turnover include lack of paid time off and lower staffing levels, among others.

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