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Quality Jobs for Quality Care: The Path to a Living Wage for Nursing Home Workers

Report Training & Advanced Roles
November 11, 2015

This report presents information relevant to Massachusetts’s certified nursing assistant (CNA) workforce, including wage and benefit data, Medicaid rate changes over the years, and CNA job vacancies in nursing homes. It argues that without a significant state investment in the CNA workforce, Massachusetts will be unprepared to care as the baby-boomer generation increasingly enters retirement age. The report recommends several ways that the state can strengthen the CNA workforce, including creating a pathway to a living wage and establishing a CNA scholarship program.

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Key Takeaways

"By investing directly in nursing home staff, Massachusetts will remain a leader in providing quality care."
"It is imperative that Massachusetts increase its investment in nursing homes across the Commonwealth."
"Ensuring staff stability and job satisfaction is critical to providing quality care in nursing homes."

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