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Value-Based Payment in New York: Assessing Progress on Integrating the Home Care Workforce

Brief Training & Advanced Roles
December 15, 2020
Value-Based Payment in New York: Assessing Progress on Integrating the Home Care Workforce

For this case study, PHI interviewed home care agencies and Workforce Investment Organizations in New York City to further examine the progress and opportunities associated with Medicaid value-based payment in home care, as well as the impact of COVID-19 and state budget changes. Our research found significant progress in leveraging the home care workforce to achieve value-based payment goals, but an array of opportunities for improvement remain. Further, the research shows that while COVID-19 and state budget changes curtailed value-based payment initiatives, they did not completely halt them.

Key Takeaways

Value-based payment is predicated on the concept that health care providers should be rewarded for the value rather than the volume of services they provide.
Home care workers are essential to realizing value-based payment goals.
Planning time and sustainable funding are necessary to spur progress on the implementation of value-based payment initiatives.

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