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Value the Care! No. 7: High-Hour Consumers in the California IHSS Program: Impact of Compensating Overtime Hours

November 1, 2013

This brief examines how the extension of basic labor protections to home care workers would affect California’s In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) program. Specifically, the brief looks at high-level IHSS consumers and the effect of federal law required overtime protections for home care workers on their care. The brief concludes that service would be slightly disrupted for those consumers, but also that significant positive changes would occur as well.

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Key Takeaways

The Fair Labor Standards Act extends overtime protections to home care workers in the IHSS program.
Data shows limited overtime hours in the IHSS program, minimizing this rule's impact.
Adjusting caseloads by hiring aides or covering overtime costs is less costly than institutionalizing consumers.
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