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Who Cares? Attracting and Retaining Care Workers for the Elderly

Report Training & Advanced Roles
June 22, 2020

This report presents the most up-to-date and comprehensive assessment of long-term care workers, the tasks they perform and the policies to address shortages in OECD countries. It highlights the importance of improving working conditions and making care work more attractive and shows that there is space to increase productivity by enhancing the use of technology, providing a better use of skills, and investing in prevention.

Key Takeaways

Across OECD countries, the long-term care sector suffers from a workforce shortage.
Long-term care jobs are physically and mentally demanding.
Increasing retention rates through better job quality and training is a top policy priority.

Caring for the Future

Our new policy report takes an extensive look at today's direct care workforce—in five installments.

Workforce Data Center

From wages to employment statistics, find the latest data on the direct care workforce.