VIDEO: Michigan Facility Prepares for Person-Centered Training
Pilgrim Manor, a skilled nursing facility in Grand Rapids, Michigan, has released an online video about residents’ “simple pleasures” in advance of staff training scheduled for later this year.
PHI Organizational Change Consultants Cean Eppelheimer and Anna Ortigara recently completed a train-the-trainer session at Pilgrim Manor, preparing selected employees to disseminate the PHI Coaching Approach® to the full staff beginning in September.
Additionally, Pilgrim Manor trainers will share the State of Michigan’s Person-Centered Planning workshop with all staff in the coming months.
The video features several Pilgrim Manor residents describing their “simple pleasures,” which range from having their bed made according to their specifications, to being able to go outside and enjoy the fresh air.
The video ends with the slogan, “Person-centered planning culture is here to stay, so get on board!”