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Health Care Workforce: Future Supply vs. Demand

April 1, 2011

This fact sheet addresses the current shortage of physicians, nurses, and direct care workers specializing in eldercare — a shortage that is likely to worsen as the baby boomer generation ages. The Affordable Care Act contains several provisions designed to correct that shortage. For example, providers will be eligible for grants to recruit and train direct care workers. The law also establishes a Personal Care Attendants Workforce Advisory Panel to advise Congress on personal care aides.

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Key Takeaways

The U.S. has an insufficient number of healthcare workers, including direct care workers, to meet demand.
States have a major role in how the ACA addresses health workforce education, assessing needs, and care delivery.
The ACA establishes a grant program to develop core competencies, training curricula, and certification programs.

Caring for the Future

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