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Value the Care! No. 6: Home Care Jobs: The Straight Facts on Hours Worked

November 1, 2013

This brief uses statistics, data, and objective analysis to refute claims that the revision to the Fair Labor Standards Act’s companionship exemption will will make home care services unaffordable because it requires providers to pay time-and-a-half for overtime hours worked by aides. The fact sheet further argues that the overtime rate will encourage home care providers to distribute hours more evenly to home care aides, thereby improving care quality.

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Key Takeaways

Few home care workers work overtime hours, minimizing the cost of implementing FLSA.
There is desire among many part-time workers for more hours, opening the possibility for rebalancing workloads.
Overtime-related costs are likely to be less than 0.01% of industry revenue and public expenditures on home care.
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