Community Living Policy Center
The Community Living Policy Center (CLPC) is a Rehabilitation Research and Training Center funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’s National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research and the Administration for Community Living. Housed at the Institute for Health & Aging of the University of California, San Francisco, CLPC aims to identify methods to improve the long-term services and supports system in the U.S., improve data collection on community living policy, and develop a strategic plan for community living research.
Since 2007, PHI has been funded by—and has worked in close partnership with—the Community Living Policy Center, bringing our unique focus on the direct care workforce to CLPC’s research goals and helping cement PHI as the leading authority on direct care worker research. Through our work with CLPC, we developed the nation’s first repository of training requirements for direct care workers in all 50 states, as well as a comprehensive survey of matching service registries across every state. CLPC has also been central in our ability to provide regular data on direct care workers, including data on wages, employment, key demographics, and job quality, all of which is housed online in PHI’s State Data Center.
Most recently, CLPC supported PHI in producing a series of case studies highlighting how three states approach training requirements for personal care aides, an occupation with typically substandard training requirements.