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Min-Kyung Park, PhD (she/her)

Senior Evaluation Associate

As a Senior Evaluation Associate, Min-Kyung leads PHI’s efforts to build the evidence base on PHI’s own field-leading initiatives, including our workforce interventions (entry-level and specialty training, advanced roles, supervision, and peer mentorship programs, and more), policy advocacy initiatives, and public education campaigns. Working closely with PHI’s Vice President of Research & Evaluation and in collaboration with PHI’s Workforce Innovations and Policy teams, the Senior Evaluation Associate is responsible for designing and leading a range of evaluation research projects, as well as helping inform PHI’s overall strategy for assessing and enhancing our impact across projects, teams, and the organization.

Min-Kyung is a quantitative researcher with an educational background in psychometrics and quantitative psychology. She has conducted program evaluations in the field of workforce education and workforce training as well as in investigating the interplay between technology and teaching and learning.  Prior to joining PHI, Min-Kyung worked on evaluation projects funded by the US Department of Labor, US Department of Education, National Science Foundation (NSF), and private funders.

Min-Kyung earned her PhD in Psychometrics and Quantitative Psychology from Fordham University.  She is also a former vocational rehabilitation counselor.  Min-Kyung is based in New York.

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